About Implants :
PARALLEL IMPLANT Fixture with cylindrical body and a conical apex. Modulating the surgical procedure it is indicated in all bone types; even in the case of non-compact bone it is able to achieve a good primary stability. You can use it for any type of prosthetic restoration, screwed and cemented. Using the concept of platform switching allows you to better manage the soft tissue in the area of the implant – abutment interface, and reduce peri-implant bone resorption over time.
High Initial Stability:
The SEVEN’s root-shaped geometry and unique threads are designed to enable excellent primary stability, offering the ultimate choice for a wide range of clinical cases. This allows for a simpler and faster implant placement.
High Initial Stability:
The SEVEN’s root-shaped geometry and unique threads are designed to enable excellent primary stability, offering the ultimate choice for a wide range of clinical cases. This allows for a simpler and faster implant placement.